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Before the Beginning part 4

"We just found our "dad" Ybarra means to express your self in your own way and leave me alone, I will find myself in my own time. Yanez means to be always be humble to oneself as you should but second. Danato means to hold on to family even though they are distance. Martinez means you do what we tell you. No questions ask. Pena means to live your life like common man. Jeff is s common name. Ray means to be Human. "Commonly Human is Personal" is Jeffrey R Ybarra why lucky 7? Dad was the seven son Why the "one"? Too many people will cloud judgement. This Hero will just be the 1 person you can count on. Why samurai Jack? There are many skills but only those who will prepare him to do great things. He sees through corrupted souls. Why space travel? Gundams were created to stop the end of the war of all war Why???? God Means everything and nothing . You just control your own person and the kid will find your way .but why? " a commonly named child of the world will truly create a world in God's image. People of Earth need this right before the end. Technology will reach its end and only the Hero of our worlds stories will figure this out. He will do and say words that only he would know. He will be tested in many ways . His brothers will test him on what he knows. and On the 7th day he will create the World in his image. During the days his innerself will test him and finally allow them to mold into one being by finding his book "The Hero of a thousand Faces" by his spirit father Joseph meaning first seeing how to relate to customers. Finally the proof is here for all to see. The stars are limited by peoples sight. The sun . "The light" will always be alone but warm and above the people for everyone to see. The Hero would learn true humility in Africa. His journey would be a test of being judged by the elder. The Hero will be accepted and journey back to his homeland to gain true loss. The Hero will accept his powerful responsibility to create for the common folks of the free world. This is where time is learned to be Commonwealth. This Hero will be able to survive anything. The World will listen or die. And the Human is not ready to be destroyed by themselves. God will not allow the son to fail. Just be joyful and greatful.

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