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Day Zero

The following was what I wrote/typed when my awareness was complete. What I mean by that is: when my mind healed itself and I was about to do all these great things. Things that people are afraid of, don’t care about, jealous, and all those other reasons I don’t care about.

Jcole said it better:

“I write what’s in my heart and don’t give a fuck who is fucking with it.” (False Prophets)

Keep in mind that this was coming out of my head at the speed of thought. I tried to sort it out the best I could using syntax. Also, it has references that I used to gather my thoughts such as writing mechanics, etc. In addition, I refer to what I write as my “book,” which is what I intend to do ultimately.

<i>acknowledgement(s) - acceptance of the truth or existence of something.</i>

<i>Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. - Marianne Williamson</i>

<i>Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You see, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in. [And] that love....true love never dies. - Uncle Hub's speed from the movie Secondhand Lions</i>

<i>analysis - detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation.</i>

//<b> Learn to decode information and put it in the correct context that it was truly explained in. This is the most fundamental and best way to fully understand literature criticism. LC is another key to see the truth. The truth that matters to only to the person who is looking for it. That's what people mean by saying "I need to find myself."</b>

<i>literary criticism - the art or practice of judging and commenting on the qualities and character of literary works.</i>

There are two types of people in this world - Betas and Alphas. The best of Human Beings can switch between both at any given time while staying Humble. It just depends on the situation.

This is realized by the interaction of different people. When two people first interact, they size each other up. After they get to know each other a little they create a bond. This bond can grow or die depending on what they choose to tell each other. This could create a feeling of Respect. This needs to be an unspoken mutual agreement of both parties to really understand each other. True love.

Be a Alpha Dog on your own time. Learn to be the Beta Dog first. You need Learn to Follow before you can ever Lead.

<i>Humble - having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.</i>

<i>love - an intense feeling of deep affection.</i>

Don't take what people say at full face value. Words have different meaning in the English language. The oldest languages that people created must be learned to fully understand the Human Race. So don't feel that you need to understand the Human Race. Just try and fully understand your close friends and loved ones.

Stimulation is what is needed to trigger true self creation of thoughts. The focus that comes from stimulation is a massive push to enhance the transfer your Mind to written confirmations such as Paper. The opposite of this is called Writer's


<i>Stimulate - encourage development of or increased activity in (a state or process). </i>

<i>Writer's Block - the condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing.</i>


Getting Thoughts on Paper

Writing is one of the most challenging tasks students must undertake in school and large numbers of students falter and fail when it comes to writing. As an adult, there are many occupations where you don't need to be a good writer. But in school there are writing demands everywhere. Whether it is writing in a journal, writing the key definitions in a chapter, copying problems from the board, taking a state writing competency test, producing a book report, or taking notes in a science class, students are asked to produce an increasingly large amount of writing.

Writing may encompass the most complex task students face each day. Students must simultaneously recall ideas, vocabulary, rules of spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and make use of strategies while producing their thoughts on paper. Orchestrating these multiple demands can be overwhelming for some students. They must use a range of abilities from the higher order problem solving processes of brainstorming and creating ideas to the more basic movements of getting their fingers to form letters using a pencil or typing on a keyboard.

Some students who possess creative, thoughtful, and knowledgeable ideas are unable to convey this information in writing. There is a wide range of reasons why students might struggle with writing. They may not understand what strategies to use. They may be anxious and believe they will never write well. They may also have a profile of neurodevelopmental strengths and areas in need of improvement that may impede their learning and execution of written work. To learn more about getting thoughts on paper, click on the topics below:


Rules of Writing Mechanics and Written Language

Generating and Organizing Ideas

Turning Ideas into Sentences

Reflecting on Writing

Additional readings


All Kinds Of Minds & Schools Attuned. (2016). Getting Thoughts on Paper. Retrieved from


You can be confident in what you say because your the only one in your Mind. A person who can speak with confidence fully trust him/herself. This can be hard for many people but it is possible to learn to be confident. However, admitting that you are wrong sometimes is the key to continue to be confident once you learn it. Re-evaluating yourself with correct information backed by Facts is the best way to see through the Bullshit. People can realize they are wrong when interacting with other people or reading new material. A decent understanding of Science

can help with this.

All movies are portrayed in their own Worlds. The Movie worlds are constricted by the writer's imagination. Premise, logic, etc is all based on the writer's ability to mold and write a script to find the general movie goer. It's all about finding that general audience.

//see Lucy

//captain fantastic

//the matrix ( all three )

//see limitless

//study writing code, it will help with this writing stuff

//Its hard to put certain words in context. That's called Writer's block. This shit sucks and is happening now. Kind of.

//difference between interpersonal and intrapersonal

//read social articles that talk about the now. GO!! it's like the movie YES MAN with Jim Carey.

//key word Philosophy

//Learn Writing Mechanics. English and how to use it to project your thoughts.

//technology - find the word's deep meaning. its CORE meaning (building things engineers - ALL TYPES) //don’t need to really know about engineering just a good read. maybe soical engineering

The question of Life is the question that comes to the Mind first. But Time is constant and as Time moves forward, your way of thinking moves forward as well. You can never replicate that thought and others have only accidentally stumbled upon it.

Personified, Personification

This Word gave life to words. Stories past down from generations through the world's cultures. It has brought about the religions, the philosophical way of lives.

<b> The Trigger </b>

You need to find that trigger. The trigger to find your present life goal. Music has influence many people to do great things. Its emotional to a person's core, and its core reveals a soul. This soul is who, what,why, when, and where the true meaning of a person is.

Once you find yourself. In the state of mind that will immerse you in your environment.

<b> Positive Words</b>

The word Word is another important word from the dictionary

<b> Characters </b>

Characters in word

There are different parts of this book that explain the things your looking for. This kind of writing is only for the people with an open mind. And that’s an understatement. The word is Realization. That’s the word that matters.This word was the key. This combined with the word knowledge is the answer to the <b>Meaning of Life</b>.

This is how you read this book. Follow these steps. <b>By</b> step.

Wait till your about past high school. Your brain should be good. If your a smart kid and waiting till then. That would mean that someone in your life found the holy grail. The reason for these writings.

These writings and scriptures are only for the people who's minds are open to the possibility of the Matrix. Honestly, the Matrix is a made up word. It didn't derive from the early creation of transferring basic text from the earliest of Man. Every person has a time they realize the truth. Some people reach the state of Mind that the word Realization is a massive word. This is the best word ever created. Lets defined this word by the dictionary. Lets ask the smart people. The Gospel. So of speak. The all power. Movie 43 movie meaning. Star Wars creation. Modern Innovations.

FAQ section? From a business point of view this is to make Money. That’s what a business is. It generates wealth.

Immerse yourself. Go in something fully. With all your might. Don't hesitate. Be a free thinker. Be like "water" like Bruce Lee.

There are many ways to find the State of Mind. This is Enlightenment to Buddhist. People in this State of Mind slowly gathered together over time and to learned how to write shit down; they created words, context, synonyms, the whole dictionary, and all the writing mechanics that go along with the creation of words. People in this State of Mind learned from each other to create a free library to read in, a Church to pray your troubles away and not feel afraid in, A flat paved road to drive on; this is in some way shape or form: <b>Technology</b>.

When was the Word: When created?

This is when the word <b>learn</b> got created. When a word got created in Time is the most important question to ask. Don't care how, what, where, why? The word is important because time doesn't stand still. It is constant.

The internet is this vast area of space of electrical light pulses that carry information to people across the World. This invention changed peoples lives for the better. This is another reason why the word Technology is so relevant to the entertainment of Life.

Kudos if you made it this far or even read it. Keep pushing for your dreams even though you think they need to be put aside for the moment. Doesn’t matter if you chop a tree down in 1 day or 30 days, it still gets chopped down. Stay Golden.

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