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A Balance - Logic & Emotion

The more I spend talking to people the more I understand the hardship of my journey. People are so afraid of me because they never seen something like me before. However, this doesn't completely deter me from reaching my goals/dreams. Noticed how I said completely. Sometimes I even feel like my goals and dreams will never work. Self-doubt is part of being Human, and I am no exception. Everyone has someone to lean on, they just need to express themselves to their family and friends. If you feel like you don't then you can do a quick google search and find some hotline to talk to you. However, I understand the human emotion is a strong force that drives us to do certain things that logic would sort out if given time. Finding a balance between the two (emotion and logic) is harder than it sounds when all you were exposed to was hardship. I found that people who are "down on their luck," are more emotional and those who had "luck/success," are more logical.

I also found that I am very emotional because of all the hardship I went through in my years but also used logic to understand myself. This created the balance I now express/teach to other people and it just works. I can sit here and give you examples and examples but everything I reference to is missing a certain piece to bring an explanation to full understanding.. I listen to countless motivational speeches, videos, and hear the "experts" of the World tell me "the way it is." However, I still feel that they need to go further and ask myself "why are they leaving out that one piece that is going to relate to everybody?"

Why can't we all just get along?

My answer to this is pretty simple but at the same time it is complex because of society. However, everyone can relate to my answer because it is common sense:

No one is born to hate in this World. They are created by their surroundings and hold the values of their closest human. In most cases this is the parents. Parents are astounded when their child "changes" from a sweet boy or girl to a totally different person. This is because everyone influences everybody. Every interaction with another human being is a influence on the Mind and the body changes/adapts accordingly. This includes, video games, television, schools, grandparents, etc which equals society. The saying "my generation was the best generation" is true because you grew up in that generation. Only when someone says that is when society has changed in his eyes to the point where it is completely different or unrecognizable.

The reality is that society is forever changing and people who hold on to the past/history to justify their beliefs is a direct contradiction to the future generations of tomorrow.

However, that's not the end of a child's story nor is this article aimed to put blame on society. Like a contradiction, there are two sides that inadvertently help each other to create the society we see today.

It is the awareness that people need to understand that will help society see what to do next. The signs are all around us but we choose to live with our faces in the dirt. People are afraid of dying, the unknown, etc and fear is a emotion. Logic will always triumph over emotion if the awareness and understanding is there. This is why successful business men have money. They think logically, therefore have no emotion in business therefore are successful. If you have too much emotion in business, you will never be successful because you may be giving your services out for free. You are then a social worker and getting paid pretty much nothing for your efforts.

However, this isn't an article to deter you from helping out people from the bottom of your hearts. If someone wants to help someone, then go for it. I am trying to relate to both sides of the coins of the Human Condition. This is the logic side (business) and the emotion side (social jobs) in today's society. If you really look at it, all jobs ever created can be put under these two and are a reflection on what the Human is.

Trying to figure out which are you is easy for me to determine once I meet you in person. The problem is that people can't see past themselves unless they see their reflection in the mirror and ask themselves the "right" questions. I believe the mirror was invented (technology) to figure out what do you want in life?

Every kid asks himself/herself this while looking at a mirror. A "imaginary friend" is born. But people don't realize that this "friend" is your conscience. You make decisions based on your surroundings but you think about it. You rack your brain with a decision and who do you think is racking your brain back?

I have this ability to bring out your "friend", your conscience and face a mirror. The only difference is that I am the mirror and I am a asking the right questions.

I create this environment in which a person feels that he/she can tell me what is hindering them because I truly want to help the future generations find their way. I promote positivity/happiness because that's what the Human needs to reach new heights/tomorrow.

There are many ways to reach out and I am just starting to realize that starting socially is the key but at the same time I am doing it logically (business).

It is a lot of work, however, if I feel like I can do it and I logically see it gain progress, then why would I stop?

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