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"The Way it Is"

These four words are the worst to hear people say and people who are closest to me say it on the daily. All my life I haven't taken anything people say full face and checked what people say by looking up references. Most of the time, I just nod my head and move on. This is how I operated my entire life because I always had the internet growing up. Sure, I had dial-up first and then worked my way up to broadband. If anything people can say "you are the way you are" due to your surroundings/upbringing. I'm convinced we are all born for a purpose in life and people need to find that purpose to be truly happy in life. If your still searching for that purpose then you may have a kid and now the kid is your purpose in life. If your single/no kids, then your still searching. Someone close to me is lost in her World and I hope one day she finds her purpose.

I always talk about the 99%(people with kids) vs the 1%(people without kids) and even the rare 100%(people with kids who are strong enough to pull themselves and their families) beings of the World. I call people the 1% because they have found their purpose/not found purpose but no family to leave legacy to yet. I call people 99% because they have a legacy to leave but no purpose in life. I call people 100% because they found their purpose and have a family to leave Legacy. Simple. The sad part about the 1% is that they need to find it on their own, however other 1% people can help them find their way. This is why finding your purpose is so rare these days. We conditioned ourselves to "have to do it ourselves," in order to truly understand. This is true to your closest loved ones in your family. Either out of jealously or just plan stupidity they don't take any advice. This is the same feeling when I wanted people to read these writings early drafts but where too "busy." Really annoying because today, people "need to see it to believe it". I always thought this was stupid and is why I always learned by people's mistakes.

I conditioned myself to not judge a person logically but emotionally showed my intentions. Logic comes from the your Mind and emotions come from your Heart. People can act on their emotions, passion crimes, which throws all logic out the window. On occasion I would act on my emotion but tell myself to look up why I felt this way. After I understood, I felt better and never acted on that emotion again. I'm I human? Of course I am. I'm just smart enough to learn from my mistakes as well as others, constantly.

This World is not really "the way it is" because people in it change it in their image. These people are just the "dominate" beings of the World. Do you believe that absolute Money and Power didn't exist at a time? Humans just lived in this World and continued the human race and still created wonderful things we still see/use today. The Seven Wonders of the World are a few, and Socrates's Philosophy is something I still read to help me in my journey. I also believe in the origin in Words and how they became to be in time. Imagine that someone did something and we had to make a Word up for it. There you go. This is why I'm learning Latin because Most all modern languages derive from Latin.

The great thing is that we live in this World filled with rules that can be bent. Never break the rules but there are ways around them if you "know" someone. This means that you have to befriend people and be more outgoing. This means that you can't judge them logically but emotionally. This means that you learn from your mistakes, and others. This means that you need to look up correct information in this information age. We all do these things in our way and capacity.

The way I view the World is a huge playground full of lights and lines reaching the skies. I can take a line and pull it to myself and analyze it just like anything in this World. These lines are people and I am careful not to disrupt their signal to the skies. I can pull a line from anywhere in Time and Space and speak to it as if I am in the same room. The lights I see are the people who have found their purpose. Some are dim, some are so bright I can't even look at them for a long time. This is the World in my image. My purpose in life is to connect these lines and make everyone as bright as they want to become.

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