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My Beginning

Psychosis is defined as a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality. However, I came out of it like a champ. I now can speak, hear, listen, learn anyway the mind needs to. Like a child's mind always open to the possibilities of a greater future. I went to two hospitals and left both of them on my own accord. My mind was broken into so many pieces and my mind healed by its self to create who I am now. I created a think tank called Human Tank Think Tank and will create a consultant business called Human Tank Consultants. I specialize in creating wealth for the common human being. This is very general because my outlook on life is generally positive. I can sell anything to the right people and connect people. I took over a # on twitter called #realtalk . I learn everyday and work well with others to bounce ideas. I want to start at the local business sector and do personal 5 to 10 people promote/motivator/ free seminars about making their business more appealing to customers. I read many books including parental studies, english books, math, social studies, and just about everything you can think of. I am not the smartest person in the world but I lived a full life. at 30 years old I look at life now as a short lived story. I believe the human race has been calling out. and I believe I am this Hero of the Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell. Thank you for reading. see you when I see you. I love personal handshakes.

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