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Hello, my name is Jeff

Hello, my name is Jeffrey Ray Ybarra and I am the founder and creator of Human Tank Consultant. My team and I are currently working in our local clerks office to get our business license to consult with local businesses for customer relations. I personally started out as a secret shopper and followed my boss to random local businesses to "catch" them in the act of doing something wrong. I quickly understood that this approach was judgmental and destroyed the employee's chances to getting promoted. I started thinking about a different approach to the secret shopper and started going it about a different way. My company is a promoter of business by showing that the customer is always right and treating employees as customers has to be done to empower the business goals. We believe the goal will and always will be generating profits. As a SGT in the U.S Army, my job was to motivate Soldiers to promote their skills and bring that sense of pride to the work place. Motivational encouragement is the second specialization HTC brings to the table. This pushes the employees to strive to be number one and to become rivals with others. Rivals might not like each other together but they will put their differences aside and work as a team. Marketing options and ideas is the next specialization of HTC. Marketing to cater to your audience is key to provide the right service and or product to generate customer feedback. CF is important but the goal is to try manage them and create a new way to obtain repeat customers. The last specialization is being a personal coach to all employees, not just the CEO/Owner. I personally shake the hands of all the people I talk to. This creates the environment of where I work best in and makes everyone be "real" with their feelings. Their hand movements, facial expressions, body order, etc all tell me what kind of person they are and I relate and create a window to provide my service.

I personally took over #realtalk and still give out free advice about anything on its feed. Since I don't have my business license yet I do this for fun and it makes me feel good that I am doing a service to my country that allows people to do great business.You can follow me on Twitter @JeffreyYbarra1. If your interested, drop me a Direct Message and tell me what you think of my business approach. I am currently in South Texas and will like to have a shot to show what I can do for your business and any business that needs customer relation advice.

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