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Children = Future

Children. My dis attachment from my old life is more and more clearer day after day. It really scares me how much people learn on a daily basis. Everyone has this ability but they have barriers. Mental, physical like heartbreak or kids. I said in a previous post that you need to forget your negative past and only think about the positive. I know that this may be impossible to adults but to the children of the world this is possible. They have nothing but life in them and then Life is put into their faces. Money, college tuition, car maintenance, a mortgage. All these things have one thing in common. Being a barrier to become the person who you want to be while you where young. You can be whatever you choose because this is America. Once you see that with no barriers you will become something in your life and who knows, a very important person in today's society.

You may be thinking that I am crazy to think I don't have any problems. Well I would tell you this. Yes I do. but I don't let them bother me like others. I push them back like a kid pushing a bully. Taking no shit and living life for the positive. OK. I may be the only one ever to see shit like this and keep going at it. I like being in the trenches. People who think like me are up in the clouds. The "Gods" of this world. The people who change the world in one day. I'm sorry I see it all and I can not not stop. Like I said. I won't be here long. But I can hope that someone reads this and teaches their children like my Dad and Mom taught me. And someday I will have a son or daughter I think. And this person will light up the world like I see it lit up. A bright Earth in this vast space of galaxies.

"One second for you is 1 second. A second for me is a zeptosecond. Means I am very impatience" - Jeffrey R Ybarra

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