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Before the Beginning part 3

Jeff - When I put " " around something. its from me. When I dont, I wont put them around what I "really" think. "i'm gaining ideas by being real with myself but I have to break you down in order to bring you up. I know for a fact, I will "lose" you....If I "seem" like I know all the answers then I "know" all the answers. "Context" is a State of Mind. Its like I say things like im a Kid. I seem like i speak in Riddles because I know what the "Riddler" did. I talk about "superheros" because they give my closest friends "hope" I created this "world" inside my head to play in. I always been my own man but I never had anything to really make me "grow" as a "real" person. My "kid" was never fooled. He was always "mature" for his age because some one in is "family" taught him. I cant say "who" I dont remember because I no one really "remembers" what they know if they dont "feel" it. Im speaking in "riddles" because I "listen" and just "feel". I multitask and read something and realize that I can actually "learn" like this. I see things that will make everyone everywhere this "feeling" I have ideas...I have been "thinking" and I "think"

Kid - "My name is the Kid, I control Jeff sometimes so he will feel better about himself. I can yell or scream...I just do what I FEEL. If you dont like it then I will tell Jeff that your not good enough...I also control him..and he controls me. But I know what REAL is because he has seen it. we are one like IRONMAN and TONY STARK. we tag team for fun because I stop him from growing up. And he tells me what I need to know to just FEEL. I validate Jeff. you cant tell him what to do. we are the yingyang twins...actual "twins....He was put in a state of mind where he needed someone...and in his ultimate feeling human being state of mind..he created me in his Mind and I just stayed....I like it here. But I told him...someday. you will have nothing and everything..and no matter what...I told my brother that a brother is for life. we almost lost it....I think we broke a barrier that we are always tweeting. we have no inner barriers. we only have outter barriers. Our barriers are all our close friends. the ones that actually wanted to hang out. the ones we gravitate towards. this is good to put down and it comes out. I told Jaclyn . our awesome wife.............ex wife soon.....oh yea. ......anyways. He just corrected me lol....where was i? ooh yea. for some reason our dad was the 7th son from his dad. God said he could create the world in 7 we just figure in 7 years we can change the world. We where born to really change the world. because we figured out that if we just learned by other peoples example we will survive. we saw that in the Lion King....Little Nemo....DBZ.....the FLASH.....really....everything that we hold dear. and what Jeff found out the common thing that everyone want/needs because I told him what we feel....its the same like us! YING. YANG twins. everything around is a playground of our own reality. people dont see it because they dont feel it. they feel that they need to do "them" but they really do "people in general" . you guys cant see it because you saw this long ass text and said..."fck it. this guy is crazy let me scroll down to the stupid dog video" OR "omg. i understand him. he is such a good soul" ....Kid says give me a break....but Jeff says...hey remember what "love" is....we both did some stupid stuff together but we finally got it down. it wasnt until I broke the one person he loved the most in front of him that he really could share this with you. We are the beautiful mind Humans were waiting to see.

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