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Sheep = People

Sheep. They are simple animals which correlate to simple Humans. Are we simple like sheep? Do we follow the masses like a sheep herder tending his sheep in the fields. We follow fads, people of interest, God, friends, etc. Truth is who ever said this saw it for what it is. Sheep follow blindly, Humans follow blindly. Nothing more or less. A simple yet powerful message. Don't be a sheep. Be a individual. Stand out. Be a sheep herder.

I'll go a step further. The sheep herder is still following something. He's probably in debt to the land owner or something. Point is. Even though you think you figured life out your still a sheep. But what can we do if we never get out of being a sheep or sheep herder?! I'm glad you asked.

People in this world have been changed by time and the mistakes that people have made. I always say use your past to shape your current life to propel you to a great future. But I'm really saying is that you need to let go of the hate or negative in your past life in order to find yourself currently and see your future unfold in your mind. You will see it clearly.

I wont be around long. I already seen it. My past was so full of hate and negative bias. It's non existent. I'm trying so hard to keep me grounded by reaching out like this. No one is listening. Not enough anyways. One day I wont be Jeff anymore. I'll be some asshole land owner. Telling the sheep herder what to do and watching the sheep in the fields....

🎶Misused Adrenaline by Dry jacket🎶

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