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Time = Biggest Human Barrier

Time. We don't fully understand it but we put names and limits on it to help us manage it. A second is a second which equals a min in 60 secs which becomes a hour after 60mins and so on and so forth. I understand time like understanding why your job sucks. I understand time like you need money. I understand time like you feel hurt when someone calls you a bad name. It's a state of mind. It's irrelevant, a irreversible tangent that you shouldn't use to control your current life. But the human doesn't see it like that. But I am Human too. So does that make me a freak? Kids don't see time like people do. Rich people don't see time like people do. The world is upside down and your stuck in the rat race. You been brainwashed to submit to time, debt, everything you are as a person because "that's the way it is." I say things like "I weep for humanity" because I really see through all the bullshit. My brother Jr. , My ex wife Jaci Ybarra can tell you I have a vast imagination that can come up with the most amazing or ridiculous things. Now I see through it all. Like another world that I see through a looking glass. I can touch and feel it and I'm the only one. Everyone sees their own and a few make it a reality for other people to touch and see. These are the people with influence, money, and power. That's why no one reads shit like this from a perceivably broke person like me. Where I come from we survived on little or nothing. We didn't have a choice but we were happy. My grandma and grandpa taught me to stay humble even when you get money. That's the value of my family names . We take what we want but we stay humble.

Time taught me this. And in time I'll show the World

"Our primal instincts getting wasted on impulses we've created and now our welcome is over stayed." Misused Adrenaline by Dryjacket

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