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My beliefs are a contradiction = no agenda

Many people are confused on what I believe. I believe in everything and anything that promotes happiness. I like snowboarding, video games, music, everything; everything that has to do with the human condition. Which is why humans do what they do when they do, how they do it, what they do etc. But it all comes down to why they do it. They do it because they are lost and trying to find themselves. They do this by clinging to culture, moral values, something that sounded cool, anything. But the thing is, we all want something to gain from it. Be it power, money, material things, happiness, sorrow, fame, etc. But there is one word that stands out and its the bases of who I am as a person. This word, connected to one other word is the foundation of my writings and teaching of the power to live your life. These two words are so common in the English language and yet will bring you the joy of finding yourself. People wont be sad to work, they would just accept the responsibility because they live up to the word responsibility. You can live in this world with the monetary system and reach your dreams. Who am I to say otherwise? People have done it ever since the Federal Reserve Bank was started in the early 1900s. But this blog post isn't about the FED. Its about why the bankers did it. I can tell you because they were afraid, they didn't know how to think but to think about bankers. Bankers are very smart and saw that they can control people through a new type of slavery. Economical slavery is a real issue and has been for over 100 years. The last time America had no debt was when President Andrew Jackson was present in the early 1900s. This is history and its the very foundation of why people of today hate money because they don't have it. Its a human reflection on human reflection. They don't teach stuff like this in schools or any university unless your a banker probably. Its like being in on a joke and no one else knows the joke. Its funny to know and be on top. Again, another human reflection on human reflection. Getting back on topic. My beliefs are a contradiction on to themselves. Anyone I talk to or communicate with will like me. That's my personality and not my job. I'm not a lobbyist for a brighter future? That doesn't exists in this world. But it does, because I exists in this world. Something so unique that it just wants to give it all away genuinely for the perpetual of life. My thought process or way of thinking is scary because its not known nor is it see anywhere on a level that it can make any impact on society. That's why I know that I am not the only one on this Earth that thought like this. Those people see the light and help people just because it makes them feel good. Buts the dark world that holds them back from giving too much at one time...barriers like money, power, laws; these limits hold the human back. But its also a good thing. Limits are good to manage aggressive behavior tendencies or suicidal tendencies - the extremes. But think about this. Humans knowing what they know now, and then Re-Inventing Humans to better Humans is possible. But Human is the world. The world is billions of people with their own ideas and agendas. That this word I just typed was the word I was talking about. Connect it with the word that means No. And you have it. Now go out there and make your dreams come true. The world is waiting.

"Agendas are primal, No Agendas don't exsist. But does it really?" -J

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