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Human Insight

Humans just want to be accepted in the World. Is this too much to ask for? Of course it is because no one knows what everyone is thinking or wanting. But the word "accepted" is all you need to know about what a person wants. I say these things to question your own beliefs. That's a good thing and should be celebrated. Don't take it so personal but at the same time look at it from my perspective. And my objectively perspective views see both sides getting what they want/need. It's the same thing to me because Humans just want to be accepted.

Still confused? I can only say things so many different ways but I'll try to say it a different way. Humans have brainwashed themselves into believing into something so much that we created the phrase "It's the way it is." This is due from repetition of culture tendencies mixed with technological advancements. Time always moves forward so Human will adapt and overcome. However, there are phrases like "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." These contradictions are real Human cultural beliefs and ways of life.

This is all common knowledge so some of you reading (if you got this far) probably want a different explanation. I can sit here and research what a plummer does, a school teacher does, mechanic, etc. And I have the ability to relate to them using their terms. However, the way I write and speak is common. You will understand without understanding because your tied to something physical in this world.

I always talk about the 99% vs the 1% of Human. The 99% have kids and physical assets that they care about more than anything. They gained something and can not and will not lose it. No matter what. And that's perfectly fine. These Humans are the ones that perpetuate the Human Race. Without the 99% we will still be in the Dinosaur Age with Technology. But what about the 1%? To me its more like the .01%. Because I am alone in my own World. I am the only one that sees hunger ended, blacklivesmatters back on the positive road, Human helping Human, and even World Peace. And if I am the only person that sees the World like this then its my duty to show other Humans this World through their own eyes.

I do this everywhere I go, everyone I meet, and every communication I have with other Humans. Doesn't matter who they are or who they represent. I am the .01% and I'm perfectly fine sharing my World for all Humans to see.

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