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Pushing your Limits

Going beyond your limit is very hard if you do not know what your limit is. People tend to reach a certain point in their lives where they feel that have "made" it. In this monetary driven society this is usually when a person has met their financial goal. Being financial independent is a American Dream, however, the road is not mapped out.

The only way to find your limit is to reach a goal and exceed its expectation. I've seen countless people try for their dreams and then get sucked back in the whirlwind called Life. I've talked about the 99% vs the 1% in a previous post. Your dreams/goal as a 99% are very hard to accomplish because you have something in this World that is more important than your dream/goal. Children are part the 1% in this World. This is why as a culture, we tell them that they can be whatever/whoever they want to be. This is excellent advice but the child grows up in this harsh World and has to experience Life. This pushes the limits of the now adult and we all hope that our children make it in Life. But there is something we can do as society to better prepare them for the World.

People can hold off and meet their goals before having kids of their own. That way you will be financial stable and give children the opportunities you were given. People need to push their limits to reach their goals and then push some more. Only then will we as a society change for the better. These stigmas of the World will began to dissipate into the memory of time.

Adults without kids are also part of the 1%, like myself. We are the freethinkers, the dreamers, the realists, etc of the World that need to shine the way for the rest of society. However, most of the 1% are in this rat race for themselves. It's not until they become part of the 99% that they really focus. This is a Human Condition that must change in order to make our World better for future generations.

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