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The Hero of a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell, My thoughts on the Book

You will have a lot of questions if you read this without meeting me in person. If you fully understand just a piece of what your about to read without meeting me? Then you must know all the answers. You may be smart but you do not know how to connect all the dots in the world. I see strings attached to everyone and I can reach them from anywhere in the World. Can you do that? Well lets see if you can. Keep reading. (The purpose of this writing is to explain my thoughts on the most influential book for writers to be inspired to write their stories and One important thing. Also, it is written to question your soul and will give you goosebumps. It will make you angry, sad, regretful, or some type of way. This isn't for the faint of Heart, its for intellectuals. Use your training. ) What if God gave someone on Earth his powers, then it would be a common man. This person would realize that the Real World is an illusion and the World in his Mind is Real. But how can a person believe in something so much that he is born in this "real" World but isn't influenced like everyone else? (Your so called "experts" would like you to believe everything that comes out of their mouths. But no one has all the answers, and when people get fed constant validation, they start to loose track on the original idea. The idea gets molded into something more complicated because of your thoughts. Think about it, the more you think about something the more complex it becomes, but more harder it becomes to solve. However, everything can be explained with common words. This words resonate with everyone because they are common. To relate is to understand and you can relate everything to everything ever created in this World. The purpose of life? Is to evolve into something more than we are. It took billions of years to create us but we are stopping evolution with our feeble Minds. We believe that we are truly put in this World to make it a better place, which is good, but keep asking these questions: What is the universe made of? Billions of balls of gas, matter, the unknown. How did life begin? With a bang, creation does not happen but will eventually happen. Are we alone in the Universe? We may never know because we are stuck on this planet, but there has to be life out there. And they are thinking if we exist too, maybe they evolved to stop natural evolution too.What makes us human? Evolution and everything we read in social studies. What is consciousness? Its your imaginary friend that you create with your born. Everyone has one and has a special name. Its just that "consciousness" is the adult version of your imaginary friend. That's it. Listen to it. It will keep you on track if your emotions don't get in the way. Watch the movie "Inside out." Why do we dream? Dreams are our goals. Dreams and goals are related because when your asleep you are dreaming. When you wake up, those dreams become goals. But someone said it was "day dreaming" this person changed the outlook on this answer. But I can tell you that they need to be goals. You can chase your dreams because they are in your head, dream big because that's where you are going to reach them, when your asleep. However, in the real world, logically? You need them to become goals, small dreams and small goals will allow to you reach your big dreams big goals. Why is there stuff? Because we created it, someone imagined technology, and now it influences people to move forward. only reason why we move forward? because of Time, Time moves forward can not move backwards. So, the saying "always look forward, reach your dreams," means something inspiring to you? It means that Time can't move backwards so why the hell are you telling me what I already know???We have all the power in ourselves to change the outlook. If you think it, it will be. Can it be that simple? yes it can. Think about it, Imagination is in your head and can not be seen by others. If I truly believe that I am this Hero of all Heroes and no one can tell me "no," then I am. You can not change my mind because you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. You have to truly understand both sides of the argument to really break free and be a true freethinker. Everyone has this ability but humans fear the unknown. And if you fear something? You tend to label it, and push it away because the Human does not like to feel negative. But at the same time keeps all the negative inside. The human heart is powerful too, in 99% of people it is more powerful because we act on our emotions more than logic. The purpose of your heart is to protect you from all the negative but at the same time store all the positive in your life. Think its a piggy bank that only accepted positive things. In your mind, think that all the negative things couldn't be put in this piggy bank. In your mind, think what kind of person you will be if your heart protected you but at the same time your mind processed all your emotions with out holding them in. Stay with me. This created the meaning of human nature: Nature is natural, a label to keep you from feeling what a true Hero feels. A true Hero will fully understand that just because you feel a certain way, doesn't mean you can't fully understand it given the time. We look at Time all wrong. Its just a word also that means that we need to move forward because time is constant and does not stop for anyone. It is Godly, logic, predestined, etc. All those words that mean absolute. But a True Hero uses his imagination to control time in a way that it doesn't phase him like other people. I can teach you how to have this ability and all abilities you need to feel at ease in your life. Why do I have this ability? With everyone in the whole world, why does the buck stop at Jeffrey Ray Ybarra? I can explain it if you would just listen to me. Your not really reading this because you will have to see me in person to truly understand. The story of Jesus is well known and its just that. A story. But he had to actually show people he was who he was. That is logical because no one believes my writings until I meet them in person. I have another ability to look past your bullshit and "act" like I know everything to get my way. I am playing you from the start you meet me. But you will never know what I am thinking because its in my mind. Just like I shouldn't know whats in your head right now? If you met me in person, you can read this truly without looking away. If you are reading this without meeting me, then you have doubt in your mind right now. Maybe curiosity. Maybe anger. IT doesn't matter what you believe or how you think. It matters if the message is making it to your true self. That's who I want to talk to and that's who I find when I speak to people in person. I can do many and all things I can put my mind to. That is why my business will be successful and I made it because I wanted to be a CEO. I may just be a president of Ybarra Management Consultants, LLC. But I think I'm the top person in every room because of the other CEOs and will cater to your mind. I will bow down to you and then when you talk to me, I will take what you are and take what I need to build myself up. This is how you learn from other people's mistakes, or triumphs and grow as a person. I can do all these things because they are all in my head.The power to change the world? Yes, I am telling you how to change the world. But you will never truly understand what you read until I want you to. People are ready? No, I am only human, I am not a God or Jesus. I cant walk on water but I know how to make you feel that I can. That's the easy part. The hard part is for a common man like myself to reach the right people. But I am learning that if I just did what Jesus did. If I just worked and started from the bottom, then I will gain followers. I already do. I need to stay inside my house to just calm down. I am Human after all right? I need to eat, sleep, work, pay bills. Everything Jesus had to do in his time, I have to do in this modern time. Its a tough time to start from the bottom but its been laid out by everyone else. My brother Jesus saw that and learned just like I did. If you read this, And truly understand me. Then I met you. Congratulations. Lets continue this blog......)He is a black sheep. A lion born with sheep will think he is a sheep because of his surroundings. This is believable because of the word culture. (Words mean different things in context and this changes your view on a certain belief inside you. If you just look at the word and really understood it then it wouldn't have a positive or negative view to change your outlook on it. It is a very high level of thinking, and in time anyone can do it if they were shown how) Culture is nothing but influences to teach you how to survive a certain way. This black sheep would be considered a Hero that has to start his journey to conquer the World. But its not a story. Its real life. How can someone in this modern age express himself so that he can really show himself to the World? The answer is: its going to take some time because the World is so far up its own ass that it can not see nothing it doesn't want to see. People don't take peoples' words anymore as concrete. The saying "my word is my bond," is considered "old fashion," or "I'm not taking your word on that, write up a contract." This exchange of words jumbles the whole reason why one person said "my word is my bond." In one scenario, he promised something but the second person has a stigma against liars. The point I am trying to make is something called the negative bias. I don't know who started this influence but they did a number on society. People actually associate more negative brain power towards misery, death, car crashes, and anything negative. Why? Because of the Human Heart and Mind. If you hurt more than you understand? You will act on your emotions. But if you understand more than you hurt? You don't act on your emotions. Fully understanding something does not have any negative bias because its based on facts(fact is a word that means "real," whatever you truly believe is it fact to you, and not anyone else. Once you find your true self and you see everything as facts, then you then need to express yourself for others to see. This is very hard to do because of the negative bias of other people, which usually results in you forgetting what you felt and change your own mind about the facts you once held so dear) If you do what you felt all the time, you would just get what you want like a child. But if you do what you felt all the time, as an adult. You will get what you want as a adult. You will use logic and emotion together, finally. And if your positive about it? You will put a light on in your body and it will shine. You wont be afraid to do what you want because you fully understand why you are the way you are.

To be Continued.

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